Year-End Tax Planning: Start Early to Maximize your Savings

Cannabis Tax Planning

Use the below viz to take a look at how the three most common tax planning strategies in the cannabis industry can affect the various lines of your P&L and ultimately your tax liability. In this example, all three strategies range from Conservative to Aggressive applications. He also oversees the Office of Promoter Investigations that provides support and coordination for all IRS efforts in analyzing and identifying abusive tax transactions, tax schemes, and emerging abusive schemes.

Cannabis Tax Planning

Request a Free Consultation & learn how GreenGrowth CPA’s can help your business grow.

Firstly, it provides a clear and logical financial narrative to the IRS, reducing the risk of audits and compliance issues. Secondly, it aids in accurate financial forecasting and planning, giving business owners and investors a reliable picture of long-term financial commitments and potential tax savings. Moreover, the descheduling would enable cannabis businesses to revisit their overall tax strategy. It opens up opportunities to leverage more traditional business deductions, aligning the industry more closely with standard business practices. This alignment could stimulate investment, spur growth, and enhance the competitive landscape of the cannabis market. Amortization is the process of spreading out the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life.

The changes could help smaller independent businesses that are struggling to stay afloat

That’s why I’m making sure the IRS is doing what it can to help businesses with our new Cannabis/Marijuana Initiative. But the party’s saner members understand the desperate need for an increase in the supply of housing of all kinds. To achieve this, they must recapture the original purpose of planning when the Attlee government introduced it, which was not (as modern planning officers so often see it) to prevent building but to build more, better. Drafters of the amendment legalizing marijuana wanted to prevent stacking, so they used the broad term “local government” for the entity authorized to impose a tax. To make it apply to both cities and counties, the term was defined as meaning “a village, town, or city” for incorporated areas and counties for unincorporated places.

Premium Investing Services

Cannabis Tax Planning

Some expenses can be directly allocated to either the production or retail side of the business. Make sure you are properly registering for tax accounts to comply with sales and excise tax obligations. With cash accounting, expenses are deductible when paid, rather than whey they are incurred. A knowledgeable tax advisor understands the intricacies of properly allocating expenses between COGS and non-COGS categories. With a team of experienced professionals, GreenGrowth CPAs can help navigate the complex tax landscape and ensure that your business is well-prepared for the end of the year.

Cannabis Accounting, Bookkeeping, Exit Strategies, and more

  • Tax laws change at the local, state and federal levels, and it’s critical to have a deep understanding of all applicable regulations that apply directly to your business.
  • Discover how digital transformation can benefit your cannabis business by adding insight to supply chain…
  • Imagine a typical cannabis business spending $1 million annually on advertising from 2020 to 2022.
  • States whose initial regulations did not include social equity provisions have amended the original legislation to include provisions assisting communities and individuals disproportionately impacted by marijuana enforcement.
  • Please contact us if you feel you could benefit from this, or other advanced tax strategies.
  • Embrace the knowledge, wisdom, and insights bestowed upon you as you embark on an empowering expedition that transcends the everyday obstacles hindering the growth and prosperity of your cannabis enterprise.

Our trusted services are specifically designed to help your cannabis business achieve its unique objectives. Navigating the complex landscape of cannabis taxation requires a deep understanding of the Internal Revenue Code280E, which governs the tax treatment of businesses involved in the sale of controlled substances, including cannabis. Our experienced cannabis accountants are well-versed in this code and will work closely with you to maximize your tax deductions while ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations. We’ll help you minimize your tax liability, optimize your financial performance, and keep your business running smoothly.

A majority of states have enacted license provisions granting social equity applicants preference for certain license types. Three states, New York, New Mexico and Connecticut, have implemented social equity programs that require 50% of all licenses must be allocated to a social equity registered applicant. The 2016 Ohio medical marijuana law required 15% of all licenses for growing, processing, and selling marijuana be awarded to minority-owned businesses. This part of the law was subsequently struck down in 2018 (for cultivators and processors) and in 2019 (for dispensaries). There are currently no provisions for preferential treatment for minority owned businesses.

More In Tax Pros

Cannabis Tax Planning

In the rare instance of an entity being audited, there is a possibility that the entity may have to pay tax on the partners behalf, depending on the ownership structure. Either a single member LLC or a multiple member LLC may elect to treat the LLC as a C-corporation or an S-corporation for tax purposes. In conclusion, effective tax planning is a crucial element of success for cannabis companies. By partnering with a specialized financial team like ReeferCFOSolutions, you can proactively manage your tax liabilities, optimize your financial performance, and position your Cannabiz for sustainable growth in this dynamic industry.

Business Analysis

How West Michigan communities are spending cannabis tax revenue – Grand Rapids Business Journal

How West Michigan communities are spending cannabis tax revenue.

Posted: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

For example, using UCR data, Lu et al. conducted a quasi-experimental study to examine crime rates in Colorado and Washington. They found no statistically significant effects of marijuana legalization on violent or property crime. Similarly, a review study looking at data from several legalized states indicated that violent crime neither increased nor dropped dramatically medical marijuana accounting following cannabis legalization. At the same time, some studies found increases in crime rates after cannabis legalization. For example, using UCR data from 2007 to 2017 to examine the effect of marijuana legalization on crime rates in Oregon, one study found increases in crime rates for several types of offenses, including property and violent crime.

The Cannabis Industry and Tax Implications of Entity Structure: Issues to Consider

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